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What is Climate Ireland?

Climate Ireland is Ireland’s national adaptation platform and is provided by the Environmental Protection Agency as part of the EPA's climate adaptation work. As the adaptation platform for Ireland it sets out to:

  • Analyse, consolidate and present existing scientific/technical information of relevance to climate resilience
  • Assess and display up to date climate projections for Ireland
  • Act as a home for consolidated output of climate impact and climate adaptation research in Ireland
  • Act as a portal to information available from other reliable sources
  • Actively engage and develop long term relationships with core user group
  • Build the capacity of users to engage with climate adaptation and to mainstream climate resilience within their own areas of work
  • Create awareness of the need for climate adaptation
  • Expand on international linkages to share and develop best practice in climate information platforms and related services

Climate Ireland facilitates the Climate Ireland Adaptation Network as a community of practice network.