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Climate Action Regional Offices

In addressing the challenges of climate change, it is clear that many local authorities are facing similar challenges to neighbouring local authorities. As a result, four Local Authority Climate Action Regional Offices (CAROs) have been established to drive climate action at regional and local level in Ireland.

The CAROs are operated by a lead Local Authority in four different regions grouped according to shared climate change risks. The establishment of these offices will enable a more coordinated engagement across the whole of government and will help build on the experience and expertise which exists across the sector.

Through these offices the Local Authorities can play a crucial role in driving practical policy and behavioural changes within our communities to encourage both businesses and citizens to embrace the need for climate action.

Contact the CAROs

Eastern and Midlands | Overview | Email

Atlantic Seaboard South | OverviewEmail

Atlantic Seaboard North | OverviewEmail

Dublin Metropolitan | OverviewEmail